Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Time spent blogging is not time wasted...

I have to confess to spending more time than I should have today, surfing various blogs and marvelling at the beautiful work out there.  As if I haven't got enough on my plate with the beautiful samplers that seem to somehow have been ordered from The Scarlet Letter,  I found a couple of others that I just simply fell in love with.

One is these beautiful cottages, which are available singly but of course, in my usual way I will do them as one big sampler.  Don't know what happened but I just pressed the "checkout button" and hey presto, they are on their way!   I think I will do one a month, along side my other projects.

Edgar's Cottages
County Cottages as stitched by Edgar
This beautiful work was done by Edgar at  (If you read this Edgar, hope you don't mind me publishing your work).  Edgar gives lots of tips on his blog site, as well as lots of recipes and movie information.  Well worth a visit.

The Other is this amazing Alphabet, which unfortunately seems to be discontinued, but I am sure that the patterns will appear on Ebay at some stage, so I will keep my fingers crossed.  Maybe, it's God's way of telling me - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Alphabet Sampler as stitched by I don't know who

Much love to all, and happy stitching (and surfing) 

Michele xxxx


  1. Hi Michelle I have these alphabet samplers, I have stitched the first one and it's framed! but not the other two, I would be happy to lend them to you.

  2. Michelle, I looked for an email link so that I could email you regarding the Alphabet Sampler but I couldn't find one. Please drop me a message and I'll get back to you.

  3. and I thought that you were busy making curtains !!

    Shall we open a shop will all our stash?

  4. You will find the Sheepish Designs Alphabet Sampler stitched here. I suspect the "owner" may have been in touch with Edgar about the charts. Be in quick and you may be able to borrow. Teresa at

  5. Thank you all for your replies, I did find a site last night that has the "Birds" and this morning she says she has all three so I will buy from her and then do a give-away when finished as I suspect there are others who would like them. If this fails I will be taking up your kind offers.

    Much love x
